Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The CEO's

Many would agree that working with your spouse can be a challenge. We all carry our own baggage into our marriage. In the Torok household, we also carry it into our business practices. Paul's ability to hustle up work always astonishes me. On Monday morning our schedule will be empty and by Monday at noon, the week will be sold out because of his proactive attitude about projects that he is involved with. That proactive attitude does tend to chafe the procrastinator within me.

I love marketing. I love finding creative ways to promote our business and the core values that make our company unique. I spend my days leafing through industry information, beautiful pictures of completed projects and testimonials for the express purpose of tweeting it to the world. Paul doesn't get social networking and tends to stay away from the marketing portion of our business.

Last night we had our weekly meeting on our couch in the living room after the Jr. Associates (kids) were safely tucked into their beds. After the nitty-gritty of P&L's, resumes and lead training applications, we sat back and discussed the stresses of owning our own business. The last thing on our meeting agenda was how to keep our business relationship fun. Their really is no point in owning your own business with your spouse if it does not bring you joy.

So this morning, as we start our Motivational Monday, Paul followed me in his van and made faces at the squealing Jr. Associates (kids) on the way to school. We have texted each other love notes and are contemplating a middle of the day movie date. It is tough to work with your spouse. It can also be full of freedom, laughter and love.

Now this is the way to be a CEO.